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Firming: Silhouette Miracle firming body gel with massage attachment of Farfalla
STIMULATING: citric Lemongrass oil from Dr. Hauschka
How to smooth
Admittedly, in the Long pants - time regular dehairing asleep something. Now the hairs are but annoying and ugly. High time to get rid of them. Methods for there are many. What suits you?
In a hurry: hanging up, press, pull off: cold wax strips are also available in organic quality. They are particularly recommended for between legs with little hair or for the small correction. Advantages: quick and easy. Disadvantage: delicate areas painful.
For Thorough: The oriental depilation Halawa with a paste of sugar, citric acid, water and sunflower oil is excellent for long hair with more than half a centimeter in length. After showering, the legs are coated with the preheated sugar paste and covered with a thin strip of cloth. If the mass is dried, the cloth strip is pulled off in the direction of growth. Advantages: optimal care, minimal irritation lasts for several weeks. Disadvantages: a bit time consuming.
For pros: Easy in the shower or in the bath with the blade cross the legs and the summer is coming ? For shaving professionals no problem. Important: The legs after shaving maintain rich. For beginners, however, the mechanical shaving can be an ordeal. Razor also not pack the hair at the root. Advantage is the way while showering. Disadvantage: hair grow fast, sensitive skin prone to injury.
For Robust: When rotating tweezers epilation pull hair for hair from the skin. Epilation is more thorough than shaving, the skin then feels smooth and soft. Advantage: relatively easy to use, lasts for several weeks. Disadvantage: painful , reddened skin possible.
NURSES MILD: Shaving Femme by Sante
prevent varicose veins
Varicose veins and spider veins are not a matter of age, but often genetically determined and a sequence weak connective tissue. Who knows about the hereditary bias can and should be targeted to prevent, for example, on long standing and sitting days wear compression stockings. It's available in trendy colors and shapes. The nuts and bolts but regular exercise. Only it promotes optimal blood flow in the upper leg veins.
That is, avoid prolonged sitting, not beat each other 's legs and as often as possible wear flat shoes. Running, Nordic walking or aqua jogging are ideal for sports firm connective tissue . Cold - warm contrast showers and Kneipp baths train the vessels and promote blood circulation. In the morning after waking brings a simple exercise the venous pump in momentum: Lying On Back, legs 90 degrees upward stretch. Then let circling the feet. After a minute change of direction. Repeat twice each. At the end, press the toes down so that it pulls in the calf.
At the first signs of varicose veins or spider veins winding and creams with circulation-promoting care products red vine leaf and horse chestnut products are an effective method to prevent further progression . Increase the venous problems is definitely the visit to the phlebotomist (Specialist veins customer) is advisable.
With a simple ultrasound scan will look not whether venous valves are already damaged and further treatment is medically necessary. When spider veins on the legs are usually only available cosmetic aspects, which is why the health insurance does not cover the cost for removal, for example by means of direct current or laser. Varicose veins, however, may pose a health risk, in this case the cost is often assumed.
ANIMATED TIRED LEGS: the emulsion Venodoron of Weleda
NURSES AND MOVES QUICKLY ON: Baobab Leg Lotion Martina Gebhardt
MAKES MUNTER: Red vine leg cream of CMD
Of course, summer brown legs
What good is the most beautiful summer skirt if under it look chalky legs? Color must be found, and the best without too much UV radiation and controversial chemistry. Luckily, there are self that consist of natural ingredients - and not only color, but also simultaneously intensive care for.
However, before you press the color tube, the legs must be prepared and depilated. Dead skin cells removed most effectively a thorough scrub scratch. That there are ready to buy or you can also assemble: simply mix a cooking oil with granular ingredients such as salt, sugar and sesame seeds. Do not forget: The "thick" layers of the skin very thoroughly exfoliate at the knees, here the self is otherwise conspicuous dark. If necessary you should treat these extra again.
If the legs are then smooth and soft, the self can be applied as a normal cream. Make sure, however, to distribute it evenly and do not forget the spaces between the toes. For a light tan application ranges. If you want to intensify the effect can repeat the procedure several times.
TANNING COURSE: The Self- Lavera and Bronze Eco Cosmetics