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Needed protection and care for delicate baby skin
When it is cold and windy, the skin of babies and children need special protection and care. The Baby & Kids Face Cream by Eco-Cosmetics offers the skin of babies and children intensive protection against all weather conditions, in a natural way. Precious organic pomegranate extracts provide moisture to the face and the hands and prevent dry skin areas. Pure sea buckthorn and olive oil protect the delicate skin, and support the natural skin function, and certified organic sea buckthorn leaf extract and apricot kernel oil soothe sensitive skin. This light cream for babies and children is designed for extremely sensitive to the skin. Natural essential oils have a mild scent.
Wässriger Granatapfelauszug (kbA), Granatapfel-Extrakt (kbA), Sanddornblatt-Extrakt (kbA), Olivenöl (kbA), Triglyceride, Lecithin, Glycerinfettsäureester, Sorbitol, Sheabutter (kbA), Cocoglycerides, Pflanzliches Glycerin, Jojobaöl (kbA), Glycerin-Stearin-Zitronensäureester, Macadamia Öl (kbA), Aprikosenkernöl (kbA), Nachtkerzenöl (kbA), Sanddornöl (kbA), Xanthan, Pflanzliches Vitamin E, Mischung ätherischer Öle
* aus biologischem Anbau